Downsizing to a Smaller Home? Where to Donate Household Items in the Kansas City Metro
Kansas City Organizations Accepting Donations of Household Items
Computer Recycling LLC, 1208 Iron Street, North Kansas City, 816-838-6298, They do NOT accept tube style TVs, CRT Glass Tube Monitors, or Inkjet Printers
Beds and Linens:
Sleepy Head Beds, 816-547-9965, Accepts gently used mattresses and boxsprings, crib mattresses, pack and plays, bedding. Refer to website for items they CANNOT accept.
Musical Instruments:
Band of Angels, Dropoff site are Meyer Music locations, they accept instruments regardless of condition. All instruments donated are put to great use; they refurbish every instrument possible into playing condition, and instruments damaged beyond repair are recycled into Art That Blows, their charity art auction fundraiser.
Household Paint:
City of Kansas City MO, KCMO Household Hazardous Waste Disposal
Hazardous Materials:
Metro Wide Mobile Collection Sites
Story Boutique: This boutique sells designer brands and styles of clothes, jewelry and accessories, and all proceeds go to the non-profit, Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care to support families receiving their services. Donations can be taken to their location
Guns and Ammunition:
This varies by the gun laws of the state of the seller's home. Since the Kansas City Metro spans across the state lines of both Missouri and Kansas, check the links included for specific state law regarding the sale of guns by an unlicensed person. Many times, family members don't know anything about safe gun handling and don't know how to identify what they have. We help those downsizing with these issues regularly. Reach out today!
CVS Locations Across the Metro
Walgreens Locations Across the Metro
Flourish: A Furniture Bank - Flourish partners with social service agencies providing wrap-around services to empower families overcoming housing insecurity. By collecting, repairing, and providing donated furniture and home essentials for the entire home, Flourish impacts lives. Drop off and pick up available!
Habitat for Humanity of KC - Furniture, home goods, or building supplies can be donated to ReStore. It’s a great way to avoid disposal fees, keep usable materials from the landfill, and help the community. Habitat ReStore will pick up large donations for free. You can also drop off your donation Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Blessings Abound: Blessings Abound is a Christian not for profit organization called to serve the metro Kansas City Community by selling and recycling donated merchandise in order to provide aid to people in needNo-Cost Donation pick up is great when you are moving!
City Thrift Furniture Donations: Drop off services in Overland Park, Shawnee, Waldo, and Blue Springs
Hillcrest Transitional Housing
High Value Items? Follow this link.
Clean Out Services
No need to call the 1-800 junk companies! I have a variety of service providers available but each offers very different services from the other4s. They range from cleaning out a home and giving you money for your items to complete clean out. I even have a connection that will help you pack special family items, pack your home, and help you unpack in your new home. Call or email me today for these specialized services!
But Don't Part With These Things
- Tax documents for the last 7 years
- Legal documents including passports, wills, trust documents.
- Car titles
- Home improvement and maintenance records.
- Remove and shred all personal documents before any clean out of the property begins.
Prepare the House for Sale
As a Senior's Real Estate Specialist and a seasoned Realtor, I have the skill set to help with your unique situation. I help families with this situation everyday and can help answer questions and guide you along the way. Don't put off the opportunity to strategize and ask how to make this happen for your family!
Call Today! 816-718-8565

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